Friday, September 14, 2012

Mozart Concert

Today we had a free day until the night when we had a Mozart concert to go to at an opera house right next to the Opera House where our classroom is located. This was my second concert of this nature, the first one being the other concert at the Karlskirche. This concert was much different than the first one as it was in an opera house instead of a church. Also during the concert there was singing by an a man, alone, dressed in costume in the front and also a solo woman and they interacted together. In the first one it was much different because they did almost all of the opera singing in the back of the stage, while the musicians were playing in the front. This was like a play with Mozart music in the background. It was really interesting, but at the same time it was just that and nothing more for me. The demographics of the people in the audience were very interesting to me. I really did not see that many Asian tourists travelling around Europe and in Vienna, but tonight at the concert, they filled the entire place up. Anyways, it was a very cool experience and everybody definitely should experience it at one time or another.

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